
Monday, May 7, 2012

Catching up on Week at a Glance since Easter!

Here are some pics from the last couple weeks...

Logan bird watching at the Yolo wetlands.

Joey keeping me company in bed while I was working.

A successful family photo shoot.  Only took 1,344 shots to get one where everyone is looking at the camera at the same time!

Bath & shower night!

Snack time in Land Park on Sunday.

We were outside at exactly 8:34 p.m. to see this year's Super Moon.

My "cool" boys.

Giving Daddy hair...

Getting Organized

I read something the other day that made me laugh, "If life gives you lemons but no sugar, your lemonade is going to tast like s&$%!"  Some days are just like that, lemons without the sugar!  The past couple of weeks have been tough but I am focused on getting back on track.  Spring cleaning the house one step at a time, getting organized, and keeping my eye on the goal.

This past weekend I decided to make a photo board and menu board to keep the fridge clutter under control.  Every week I make a list of dinners for the week and when I saw the idea for a Menu Board I knew I had to make one.  I also knew I couldn't spend a ton of money on it.  So, I bought a 4 pack of corkboard squares and some Command strips from Target ($10 total) and raided my craft supplies.

I'm pretty happy with how they turned out...