Chef Camp for Tom and Conor came to an end this week and was capped off with lunch for parents and family. On the menu was Chicken with Tomato Jam, Confetti Corn, Spiced Pear & Apple Salad, Cornbread, and Double Stuffed Lemon Bars. Conor was on the team that prepared the corn and salad while Tom prepared the chicken.
In attendance was my husband, myself, their mother’s parents, and their stepfather. We all sat at the cafeteria table together and oohed and ahhhed at the meal presented to us. Phrases like, “I can taste the layers of flavor” and “are you able to replicate this at home?” were uttered. Both boys were very proud and we were happy to be a part of it.
It’s so important to take the time to be present for these types of things in their lives. Sure, it isn’t always possible to make every school performance or sporting event, but not being there should be the exception, not the rule. Our kids know we will all be there if we can. They also know that all four parents, and even extended family, will come together for the common goal of supporting them. It is known and agreed upon that what is best for the children is everyone’s priority.
If that means we all need to climb into cafeteria tables and eat chicken off paper plates together, then that is exactly what we are going to do. Some may argue that this is a difficult or even an impossible task because they can’t get along with the other parents long enough to share a meal. To that I say, your priorities are out of whack. The only difficult part of this scenario should be getting in and out of a cafeteria table in a skirt. Otherwise it is painfully simple - show up, eat your food, say nice things, and watch as your kids bask in the glow of all the people around them that love them.