Highlights from first grade include many field trips to vineyards, farms, the pumpkin patch, state capitol, and the zoo. There were also several noteworthy class activities including the 1950s Sock Hop, gingerbread cookie baking and decorating, Halloween parade, salsa making, and a Thanksgiving feast. Joey learned so much about plants and animals this year, (which he loved) and even did his first official report (he chose the giant squid to report on).
The school year started with me walking him to class and him clinging to me, sobbing, scared to go to this new school. It didn't take long for him to be jumping out of my car with a quick wave, and scurrying off to see his friends. Many mornings I would watch him from my car as he ran towards the school and I would try and take a mental snapshot of the scene - tousled hair, big smile, black backpack disproportionately large for his size, adorable little scurry/run to the gate. Everyday moments that I try not to take for granted, that I know I will look back on someday and miss.
On the second to last day of school he was presented with the Laffy Taffy award for having, "the most fun while learning."
On the last day of school it was Water Fun Day complete with the fire department spraying all the kids with the fire truck hose! I picked him up from school and we went to get a bowl full of candy with some frozen yogurt in the bottom somewhere...
Below is a pic from the last day of kindergarten compared to the last day of 1st grade: