Joey and Logan were officially signed up for their first year of T-Ball this summer. Logan dropped out at the first game, not playing in a game at all. I have mixed feelings about quitting a team, but realized that for Logan this was the better option. I could have launched into the whole "you can't let your team down" speech but what's the point? At this age, that speech would not have had the desired impact, and the screaming tantrum that would have resulted isn't productive for anyone. Besides, it is a free non-competitive community league and the team didn't care either way.
Joey stayed on the team and has been learning the game. The games are hilarious with tiny kids running after the ball they themselves hit off the tee, kids running in all directions, not a single ball being caught, etc. So adorable! The only issue Joey has is the team name, already an avid Dodgers fan he is not pleased with his team being called the Junior Giants. Of course Jeff's refusal to wear the shirt even though he is an assistant coach doesn't really help matters!
Logan suited up for his first game, that he refused to play in! |
Joey up at bat. |
Joey running to first! |
Jeff trying to convince Logan to stay on the team... to no avail. |
Fun in the stands cheering on Joey! |