
Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Veteran's Day

We had that parenting moment when you realize that your kids don't really understand something that they should... like when your kids think Christmas is Santa's birthday... that kind of moment.  Only this time it was for Veteran's Day and our kids, albeit pretty young, had no idea why we celebrate this holiday.  In fact I was told rather emphatically by Joey that the next holiday was to be Thanksgiving and this could not possibly be a "holiday" at all.

So, since they do have a teacher for a father after all, Jeff was adamant that we attend the Veteran's Day parade as a learning experience and a patriotic experience as well.  He offered to take them alone, since I am constantly tired, but I wanted to go too and so we headed out that morning not sure what to really expect.

Our neighbors joined us and together we sat and watched the various marching bands, a ton of corvettes, multiple branches of the armed forces, etc. walk by.  In the end we are both really happy we went.  The kids understand a little more of what Veteran's Day is and they had fun at the parade, especially when candy was thrown at them!