This week was busy as usual for the Freelands. On Friday I helped out in Joey's kindergarten class and gave a presentation on Association Management to Tommy's 7th/8th grade AVID class. I was so nervous! I talk in front of people all the time but this was in front of 30 preteens and that is a whole different ballgame. I had to talk for the full class period and have an activity for the class to do. I asked Tommy what other professions had been presented this year and he said a scientist, nurse, and soldier. Hmmm.... nobody presenting about their job that involves meetings on top of meeeting to recap meetings?
I used Prezi to make an interactive presentation instead of powerpoint, showed up in a business suit and heels, and spent a good portion of the time discussing interview skills. I figured that aspect of my job is the most relevent to them, and gave them real life examples of what not to do in an interview. I knew I could make them laugh with some of the crazy things people have said in interviews to me. In the end Tom said it was "cool" so I guess I did a good job. :o)
Here's a glipse of the rest of our week...
Logan requested a "picnic basket and an apple" Monday night and about a half hour later I found him
sitting in the pantry having a picnic for one. So cute. |
My favorite drink in the world is a bellini. This week I had blood oranges from our Farm Fresh to You box
and a tiny bottle of champagne. Just enough to make a perfect drink! |
Joey's "Family Homework" for March was to design a family flag using symbols. He included an Italian flag for his Italian language classes, Irish flag for being Irish, the Freeland family crest, a heart because we love each other, Mickey Mouse for our trips to Disneyland, the Golden Gate Bridge because his favorite city is San Francisco and a picture of the beach for our annual beach house trip with the family. |
Very nice to be appreciated! Walked into a board meeting on Wednesday to find these at my seat from the board members. |
Preschool closed at noon on Thursday so I took Logan and Emmie to the zoo. |
Logan with the zoo map leading the way with his little sister. |
Emmie ready for her day at Ms. Christina's house on Friday complete with her Dora Ballerina backpack. |
After a long day of playing and running around without a nap, Emmie fell fast asleep at the top of the stairs. |
Joey brought home his latest kindergarten journal and I loved reading every page. This page says, "My mommy and me are making cookies. The cookies are ready. I like the cookies." So adorable! |