I love February. This month has Valentine's Day and our wedding anniversary which makes the whole month extra special.
Getting ready for Valentine's Day when you have five kids ends up being a very complicated experience. Joey needed Valentines for daycare and kindergarten plus teacher gifts. Emmie and Logan needed Valentine's for preschool. Conor needed Valentines for 5th grade. Joey needed a class set of juice boxes for his kindergarten party. And of course we needed to bake a ton of heart shaped cookies - just cuz!
This year I even got up early and made a big family breakfast for everyone (very rare given this was a school day). I even made pancakes from scratch - only because we were out of Bisquick and they turned out terribly! But hey, it was the thought that counts right? Jeff, Tom and Conor were so sweet, they all choked them down and tried to tell me they were great. Logan is too young to know to lie in the name of being polite, so he had blueberry muffins instead.
I took half a day off work and volunteered in Joey's kindergarten classroom in the afternoon. He got to decorate cookies, make a cute bear card for me, and pass out his Valentines. For dinner I made steak and salmon, pasta and mashed red potatoes, french bread and sauteed vegetables (saying "I love you" with food again!).
Jeff and I are headed to Sonoma next week for a Happy Valentine's Day/ Happy Anniversary overnight kid-free trip. This weekend we are taking the whole crew to the snow for two nights in Tahoe.
Busy, busy, busy... I love February!