
Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The Great Room Swap

Since musical beds is a favorite past time at our house each night, we have decided to change around the room arrangements. 

Problem: Conor never sleeps in his room with Tom and instead sleeps on the floor of Joey and Logan's room each night.  He and Joey want to share a room so badly that they both sleep on the floor together (leaving Joey's bed completely empty and leaving a pile of sleeping bags on the floor).  This has been going on for months... maybe a full year now!

Problem: Since Conor spends every night on the floor of Joey and Logan's room he doesn't really take any ownership of his and Tommy's room.  Instead he just passes through each day to get his clothes and leaves a mess of dirty clothes in his wake.  This seriously annoys Tommy.

Problem: Emmie and Logan take the longest to put to bed each night.  Since they are in separate rooms that requires Jeff and I to divide and conquer.  This means that we are both dealing with bedtime stall tactics instead of doing whatever else needs to be done for the night.

Here is the proposed solution:
Logan moves into Emmie's room with her.  Conor moves into Joey's room.  Tom gets his own room. 

In theory, this will solve the problems we are having. 
In theory, bedtime will be easier. 
In theory, the rooms will be cleaner. 
I have a lot of theories...

Of course this isn't just a matter of moving rooms.  Emmie's room is sufficeintly girly and Logan has no interest in leaving his pirate room for the land of flowers and butterflies.  So, that room will need to be changed into a gender neutral theme that excites them both. 

We are also changing Tommy's room to a Navy theme since it is his dream to attend the Naval Academy. Plus I figure we just embrade it since he is already doing that whole pre-teen staple posters to the walls thing anyway.

Last but not least, we need to move the trundle bed from the loft into Emmie's room for Logan.  Emmie recently got Conor's twin bed (since he didn't use it anyway) so now we are down a bed overall.  No idea what we are doing with the loft yet. 

Stay tuned for before and after pics.  The plan is for this transistion to take place over Spring Break.  We shall see if my theories are correct... fingers crossed!