
Monday, December 28, 2015

Christmas 2015

I am getting a jump start on my New Year's resolution to keep better track of all these moments, memories, and thoughts on this blog.  I never regret making the time to document our lives, so it's time to refocus on doing just that!

We have rounded the corner on the Christmas season.  Another December filled to the brims with holiday activities - so much so that we couldn't even get to them all.  There was the candy advent calendar that was never filled, the Disney Christmas cookbook that was never used, etc. and yet every day was another holiday adventure!

Oliver the Elf came back to visit on December 1st and his antics delighted the family once again.  Joey, Logan and Emmie all had adorable Christmas music performances at school where I teared up again as per usual.  Of course for Joey's performance some of those tears were tears of laughter as I was surrounded by giggling dads who could not hold it together during the 4th grade rendition of "Mom's dreaming of a brown Christmas" - it has been confirmed that all men are a mental age of 13 sometimes!

Christmas crafts were made, holiday cards sent, cookies baked, tons of Christmas movies watched and tons of popcorn consumed.  We even shared our tradition of watching "It's a Wonderful Life" with Joey and Logan - and Joey actually stayed awake to watch the wonder that was his first black and white movie. 

Presents were purchased for those we love, and the siblings even did a secret Santa exchange.  Three trees were up and decorated, and I am seriously considering adding a fourth next year.  We traveled by limo to view Christmas lights around town, took the kids to the Theater of Lights show in Old Sacramento, and went caroling through the streets of Clarksburg with the Scouts.  Jeff's birthday was filled with all things Star Wars including a 3-D viewing of the new movie.  Christmas Eve we gave the kids their new pajamas and super soft robes, and left cookies and carrots out for Santa. Christmas morning Papa woke everyone up to open presents and the new toys were all a hit.  Later that day we were joined by more family and friends for ciopinno dinner, a couple rounds of Pie Face, and three rounds of Left Right Center which were all won by Logan (who proudly proclaimed he has the luck of the Irish - he is his father's son!). 

The following day we hosted brunch for the Sahotas and continued our annual tradition with them - this year included the addition of coconut stuffed French toast, of which Patrick is a big fan.  

All in all this was a fantastic holiday season!

Joey after the Clarksburg Lights Parade
Hot cocoa for Logan after the Lights parade
Enjoying the Lights parade

Milo snuggles
Christmas morning
"Snow" bubbles in Old Sac
One of many popcorn feasts and movie nights
Pie Face!
Theater of Lights in Old Sac
Fancy baby with his apple cider in a champagne glass in the limo for the lights tour
Date Night!
Milo loves Christmas lights
Milo's first Santa visit 

Lots of snuggle time this season

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Jump on Joey

Seeing your children play together is the best. It's extra cute when it's your oldest playing with your youngest! Jump on Joey is a game Milo loves to play. 

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Win Like A Girl

Took a break from working on this Sunday to watch the Women's World Cup Finals with the kids. They aren't really paying attention to the game but I hope they are seeing these strong women. I hope in the background they are seeing how incredible these athletes are! I hope Emmie sees that the possibilities are endless and winning like a girl is awesome! 

Saturday, July 4, 2015

2nd Annual Block Party

Memories were made once again with the 2nd Annual Block Party! Food, drinks, music, water balloons, Nerf guns, and of course fireworks! 

It was so hot! But Jeff's pina coladas helped with that. The kids ran around the court for hours playing all sorts of games and riding their bikes. 

Jeff's truck was the perfect place to watch the fireworks. 

Milo wasn't scared of the fireworks at all. He had a blast running all around the back of the truck! 

The only problem with doing all this on the 3rd of July, is that we are wiped out but have a ton of activities planned for the 4th too! No rest for the weary! On to the next adventure.... 

Thursday, July 2, 2015


There are sounds I never thought I would hear again. Sounds I didn't notice were even gone. But now they are back and they make me smile. Sounds like battery powered toy trains stuck under the couch or against a wall. Or the cooing and babbling of a baby trying to communicate. The sounds of Blues Clues Steve getting mail, or the whiny voice of Thomas the Train. 

I am grateful for all these sounds, grateful they once again fill our house and my heart. #MiloSounds

Saturday, June 27, 2015

SF Zoo with the Family

Family is by far the #1 most important thing in the world to me. I realize that may seem like a no brainier, but I grew up with a false sense of "family" for various reasons and I'm determined to end that cycle with my children. To that end over the past couple years I have been taught a very hard lesson, that you can only do your best to instill the importance of family in others, but that won't always be enough. Lesson learned, and so we take every day and attempt to focus our energies on building a solid foundation of love, joy, acceptance, and overall growth. Sometimes that focus results in snuggle time on the couch, sometimes it's a trip to Disneyland, other times it's just a meal together at the table, today it was a trip to the zoo. 

We took the kids to the San Francisco Zoo today. As Jeff noted it was 5 hours of driving for 4 hours of zoo time. The car ride was made fairly miserable by Milo's determination to scream through most of it. Really the whole day was slightly blemished by Milo's absolute refusal to be anything but Mr. Grumpy Pants all day long! But, that's to be expected sometimes when you are attempting to reason with a 1 year old. He clearly wanted to be home, could not care less about the animals at this stage, and was frankly really pissed off that he was being served cold bottles as opposed to the warm ones he gets at home! 

Not to be deterred though the day was still one for the memory books. Emmie got to ride on Papa's shoulders for hours, Logan was very impressed with the "benches at the zoo," Joey had fun rolling around on his Heelys, and we spent quality time together with their aunt and grandpa. Will the kids remember the Insect Room or the Koalas years from now? Maybe, maybe not. But every day is a building block. And this day was full of smiles and soft pretzels and excitement and ice cream! While the day also had screaming baby, car seat soaked in pee from over filled diaper, complete exhaustion, horrid traffic, and a few unexpected sunburns - what is the point of dwelling on any of that?! (Easy for me to say right now because Hubby made my favorite iced tea and drew me a bubble bath!) 

Anyway this blog isn't to wax poetic and only paint the rosiest of pictures. But it's also not supposed to be a venting outlet. So tonight I reflect on a tiring day making memories, and remind myself to live in gratitude. 


Logan loved the benches. So silly that benches were the highlight of his day! 

Emmie's preferred method of transportation. 

I love that they fell asleep holding hands! 

Emmie clipped that hair bow to her lip then fell asleep. My little wild child. 

We came home to an unexpected rainbow. 

Spoiled by the hubby. Best possible way to end a very long day! 

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Tomorrow He Turns One!

Well, I didn't get any better about posting to this blog in the last couple of months! Tomorrow the littlest prince turns 1 and I am renewing my goal of posting to this blog.  In the meantime, here is a photo update on the last several months...

There were family photos taken in the park during the fall....

Winter Program at school with singing and an art show...

Milo's 1st Christmas...


 Milo at the hotel at 1 a.m. every night of our trip!
 More Disneyland!
 Santa Barbara...

Blue & Gold Dinner...

San Francisco for the day...
 Milo's first play date...

Milo loves to swing...
 Pinewood Derby...
 Joey's 9th birthday!

 Logan the basketball star!

Fun days at the park!
 Fun days at home!
 More sleeping baby pics...

Gidgit convinced Milo to share his waffle...

Celebrated 11 years of marriage...

Milo looks like Logan!